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Welcome to the Kiwanis Club of Fort Myers Beach, Florida
"Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time."

President Doug and Secretary Paula present a check to Al Kinkle and Heidi Webb of Kimmie's Recovery Zone

Al and Heidi gave us a wonderful presentation about the work that Kimmie's Recovery Zone does.

Heidi Webb Chief Executive Officer
Our Thrift Shop

In order to fund projects which, benefit children we operate The Beach Kiwanis Thrift Shop. Located on the corner of Summerlin and Pine Ridge Roads in South Fort Myers. We sell donated items to raise funds for: Scholarships, The Golisano Childrens Hospital, Beach Elementary School, Kimmie’s Place and more. We also sponsor a K Kids club for elementary school students and a Key Club for Students attending South Fort Myers High School.
Located at: Hours: Phone: (239) 454-8090
11050 Summerlin Square Drive 9:00am - 5:00pm
Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931 Monday - Saturday
Corner of Summerlin and Pine Ridge Road